
Quality Policy and Objectives​

Scope: Development, Production, Marketing, and Maintenance of Electronic Equipment to serve the tracking market and the National and International Electronic Industry.


Safesoft is committed to offering quality and safe products and services, prioritizing the needs and expectations of our customers with criticality and care in both internal processes and field service, as well as maintaining a manufacturing process that respects sustainability and socio-environmental responsibility by complying with current regulations..


Our Quality and Environmental Commitments are:

- Ensuring Customer Delivery and Satisfaction;

- Ensuring the Quality of Operation and Resources;

- Ensuring the Control of Documented Information (Legal Documentation, Records, Non-Conformities);

- Ensuring Sustainable Business Growth

- Promoting Continuous Improvement (Processes, Products, and Systems);

Implementation and Monitoring

1.     Objectives and Goals: Regularly establish and review quality and environmental objectives and goals, monitoring the performance of their indicators and results, aiming for effectiveness according to the policy.

2.     Audit Cycle: Periodically conduct internal audits of the quality management system (QMS) and the environmental management system (EMS) to verify compliance with this policy and standards as well as identify opportunities for improvement of these systems.

3.     Communication: Maintain open and effective communication channels with all stakeholders, sharing information about our quality and environmental policies and performance.


Safesoft is committed to the above-stated commitments as a way to promote continuous improvement of products and services. This policy will be communicated to all employees and stakeholders and will be available to both the internal and external public.